Attendance and Engagement in Learning
Chris Pawluk and Joy Malloch
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 25, 2018
From policy to practice: learning about Alberta Education’s approach to student attendance and re-engagement.
Best Programming Practices for ELLs in an Inclusive High School Setting
Melissa DeStefanis-King
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 5, 2017
With increasing numbers of English Language Learners (ELLs) across the Province, programming for High School ELLs is becoming more complex. This session will take you through Edmonton Catholic School District’s intake and assessment process, different types of English as a Second Language programming, scheduling and providing flexible pathways for ELLs in an Inclusive setting.
Collaborating to Support Positive Relationships and Student Success
Keith MacQuarrie, Joline Wood, and Jennifer Douglas
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 5, 2017
This session will focus on the student supports provided through the High School Redesign Foundational Principles of Personalization and Relationships highlighting our Restorative Practice and Collaborative Response Models. Ermineskin Junior Senior High School is a Cree School on the Erminskin First Nation in Maskwacis, Alberta.
Collaborative Response Model
Kat Thon and Kaila Villiger
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 5, 2017
With diverse learning populations, schools need to change their structures and instructional approaches to better meet student needs.
Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTQ+ Students and Staff
Tiff Pino
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 25, 2018
This session offers ideas and guidance in creating a school culture that respects and embraces all diversity INCLUDING the LGBTQ+ community.
Creative Targeted Student Support
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 5, 2017
The session will describe the creative way that Bow Valley was able to target specific groups of student and provide support within a limited budget. Topics included will be practicum Guidance and psychology students, anti anxiety room, partnerships to provide in school therapy, supporting homeless youth, equine and dog therapy, FNMI support.
Growing Success Creating a Comprehensive ELL Program
Linda Forde and Tamara Neumann
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 1, 2015
- ELL Program Presentation pptx
- Assisting English Language Learners Word
- Course Content Overview Word
- Intake Form Word
- Outline of Program and Levels Word
The High School Completion Tool Kit: Working Together to Support Students at Risk of Not Completing High School
Krystal Abrahamowicz
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 5, 2017
When families, schools, and community organisations work together to weave a web of support around vulnerable youth, it significantly increases the likelihood of high school completion. Leadership matters in designing these powerful and effective cultures of collaboration. In this session for school leaders, we will use the High School Completion Tool Kit to explore how to design collaborative cultures in schools that support school completion along the continuum of supports – from prevention, to identification, to intervention and specialised supports. Designed for use by school teams, the Tool Kit supports leaders in designing their own comprehensive process for supporting youth at risk of not completing high school. As schools work in partnership with parents, students, internal partners, and community organisations, this tool offers structures for on-going planning and communication.
Additional Resource:
Improving Student Attendance Through Innovative Practices
Chris Pawluk
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 5, 2017
Attending school on a regular basis is fundamental to the positive development of academic, language, social, and work-related skills. In Alberta, up to 151,000 students are impacted by school absenteeism and are at significant risk of negative future outcomes, such as economic disadvantage, incarceration, and mental health challenges. Recognizing the prevalence of absenteeism, Rocky View Schools launched the Attendance Innovation Campaign which aimed to educate communities as to the importance of attendance, empower schools to utilize data to monitor and improve practice, and eliminate barriers to student attendance through a system of tiered interventions. This innovating approach was expected to increase attendance rates, improve academic achievement, and boost school engagement across its four pilot schools. The techniques, resources, and preliminary results will be shared during this presentation so that educators can return to their schools and innovate practice.
It’s Never Too Late: Building Success Plans for Early Leavers
Joan Gauthier, Heather Innes, and Tim Main
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 1, 2015
- It’s Never Too Late Building Success Plans for Early Leavers pptx
- It’s Never Too Late Come Back to School Guide 2015 Word
- It’s Never Too Late AIFY School Program Word
- It’s Never Too Late Call Back Student Info Form Word
Layers of Intentionality: Tasks, Assessments & Interventions
Jennifer Neily and Amanda Huddleston
The NEST (Engaging at Risk Students)
Calgary Board of Education
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 25, 2018
Trauma Informed Practice
Sue Bell & Sarah Kane Lees
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 5, 2017
In this session, Sue and Sarah discuss their journey in implementing Trauma Informed Practices in a large urban Redesign School. Strategies on how staff worked together to shift instructional approaches, curriculum and scheduling are presented.
Trauma Informed Practices and High School Redesign
Sue M. Bell and Sherri Ritchie
MFWHSR Collaborative Day, October 5, 2017
After implementing trauma informed practices at a Redesign High school, we have learned that not only did we need to shift our approaches to instruction, curriculum and scheduling; BUT more importantly had to shift how we created and sustained relationships with students, how teachers interacted daily with students in classrooms and how administration developed school policies and practices. Although this was, and still is, very messy work, it has created an environment in our school that is beginning to show results that tell us we are working effectively with these students.